Tuesday, 2 June 2015

What am I doing.

Hello everyone. 

Today I don't really know what I'm talking about. I mean in a sense of I can't really describe it to you in a few words. So I have just watched Carrie Hope Fletcher's YouTube video titled "What Are We Doing On YouTube?" (I'll link in at the bottom), and I started to wonder what am I doing writing a blog. I've only been on this earth for 14 years and I've never been an overly confident person. Always struggled with my confidence in school work, friends, in school, in social situations. To be honest I just a really confident, awkward person.

A couple of months ago, I tried to be more confident by making YouTube videos. I upload maybe 3 or 4. Sometimes your not ready, and that was me being no ready. And no, this wasn't to get noticed because I wanted to be"famous" or have people know who I am, which truthfully, now a days, that is the reason why some people who are starting to make YouTube videos. 

I have never been a fan of idea of working 9am-5pm, on Mondays - Fridays, it just never was my cup of tea. Even though, I am a clever person and can do well in my school work, and maybe one day could become a successful doctor or judge or scientist, it just all seems a bore to me. This may sound cliche, but I loved the idea of helping others. Whether that be my friends, my family people around me, people in my country or even people around the world. Knowing I have helped someone in some way, I hope, makes other people feel happy and better, and I know it helps me feel happy about myself too. To me, the thing I want most in life, "my life goal" as you may say is to be happy. And I find that happiness in helping others. 

As technology is changing and growing in the world, I thought YouTube would be a way of helping others. After a few videos I stopped. Why? Because I realised that YouTube wasn't the right thing for me at that moment. I just wasn't creating the right content and expressing my view and opinions in the way that felt right to me, but most importantly I wasn't getting out what I wanted to get out. This way, in writing a blog, I feel it is easy for me to connect with people. 

You know when you get those people who you are arguing with and they won't stop because they believe they are going to win. Yeah, well embarrassing enough, that's me. I have found throughout my short lives life that I am the sort of person who has a passion for something and they show it. This trait, I like to see in a positive way. In a way where I can expresses my thoughts and opinions on topics that I truly believe in. Which is why I think it would be a cool job to do motivational speaking, or something like that. Where I can talk to people about something I am truly passionate about. I would love to travel all around the world and meet new people, talk to people and help people. 

Which leads me onto why I wrote thing post, on why I started a blog, well on of the reasons. If you enjoyed this, or have any view you would like to share please feel free to drop a comment, I'm curious to see what others think.

One question though. What's You happiness?

Until next time. Goodbye.

ImPossible Daydreamer x

1 comment:

  1. I'm' exactly like you. I know we've all got to work and that's just life but for me personally a 9-5 job for the rest of my life doesn't appeal to me. Of course unless it's something I love. But I haven't been lucky with having jobs that I love or even like. I'd love to work for myself one day and work around my own times :) www.coffeeatmidnight13.blogspot.com
